Web Scraper App

Web scraping is used for contact scraping, and as a component of applications used for web indexing, web mining and data mining, online price change monitoring and price comparison, product review scraping (to watch the competition), weather data moni

Sky Go On Toshiba Smart Tv

The last part of Toshiba’s new Cloud TV system warranting our attention is its smart device app support. As noted earlier, the breaks down into two separate apps: the Toshiba MediaGuide App. Mar 10, 2021 There is no Sky Go client for smart TV. (Androi

Old Edge

*With your permission, the new Microsoft Edge can remember information for you, making it easier to return to a favorite site or fill in forms. Microsoft Edge stores your browsing data, such as your passwords, info you've entered in forms, sites you'v


TrueCrypt and its follower, VeraCrypt, are wonderful encryption tools that are freely available. These tools can are used to encrypt data at rest on storage devices including external hard drives and USB flash drives. This tutorial explain how to repa

Jupyter Notebook Markdown Font

*Ipython Notebook Markdown Font Size *Jupyter Notebook Markdown New Line *Jupyter Notebook Markdown List *Jupyter Notebook Markdown Font Size *Jupyter Notebook Markdown Cheat Sheet Jupyter (formerly IPython Notebook) is an open-source project that let

GPX Editor

Link Creator −> Geoplaner URL + waypoints (latitude, longitude, name (optionally)) *Edit Gpx *Gpx Maps Free GPX Editor, as its name implies, is a free open source GPX editor that you can use to view GPX files. It is a portable GPX file viewer that

Mass Of Neutron In Kg

*Mass Of Proton And Neutron In Kg The neutron has a mass of 1.67 × 10 –27 kg. Neutrons emitted in nuclear reactions can be slowed down by collisions with matter. They are referred to as thermal neutrons after they come into thermal equilibrium with th

Duplicati Backblaze B2

For the cloud backup solution, I settled on Backblaze B2. The cost for backing your data up there is supremely cheap in comparison to Amazon S3, and Backblaze to me anyway seem like cool people. The cost for backing up 4 whole terabytes of information

Firefox 42

*Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.Mozilla plans to crowdsource its performance data to learn more about how the browser performs in real-world situations. Feature


Ukkadam Bus Terminus, popularly known as Ukkadam Bus Stand, is one of the bus terminus of Coimbatore City.It was opened in 1991 to ease congestion in the central bus stand at Gandhipuram.The bus stand was planned to accommodate town buses and buses to