Mac Terminal Cheat Sheet


  1. get ip address

  2. get subnet mask

  3. get dns server

  4. get info about how en0 got its dhcp on

Free Cheat Sheet to Mac Terminal Commands Cheat Sheet. Get more power over your macOS desktop with the command line. Mac Terminal Cheat Sheet¶. Terminal은 모든 macOS에서 사용할 수 있는 command line interface (CLI)입니다. Terminal을 이용해서 사용자는 일반적인 graphical user interface (GUI)가 제공하는 기능을 넘어서 맥의 다양한 기능을 활용할 수 있습니다.


  1. get network info

  2. set ip address and netmask

  3. renew dhcp leases


  1. get a list of location on the computer

  2. get active location

  3. config manual static ip address

  4. config dns server

  5. get dns server

Mac terminal cheat sheet


  1. stop the application layer firewall

  2. start the application layer firewall

  3. allow an app to communicate outside through the application layer firewall


  1. routing table

  2. add a route

  3. delete a route


Mac Terminal Cheat Sheet For Developers

  1. view info on all sockets

  2. network info for ipv6

  3. per protocol network statistics

  4. statistics for a specific network protocol

  5. statistics for network interfaces

  6. view network info as it happens


  1. put a delay in pings

  2. ping hostname 5 times and then stop

  3. flood ping the host

  4. set packet size during ping

  5. customize source ip during ping


  1. trace the path packets go through

  2. without looking up names

  3. in debug mode


Mac Terminal Cheat Sheet Github

  1. establish a network connection

  2. establish a network connection over port 2195

  3. establish a network connection only allowing ipv4

  4. setup a network listener on port 2196 for testing


  1. capture some packets

  2. capture all packets

  3. capture packets for port

  4. capture all packets for a given port going to destination

  5. capture packets as above but dump to a pcap file

  6. read tcpdump (cap) files and make them human readable


  1. flush the dns cache

  2. clear arp cache

  3. what binaries have what ports and in what states are those ports

  4. make an alias for looking at what has a listener open, called ports

  5. edit hosts file


For many, the command line belongs to long gone days: when computers were controlled by typing mystical commands into a black window; when the mouse possessed no power. But for many use cases, the command line is still absolutely indispensable!

Our cheat sheet not only features the most important commands. On the back, it also explains some tips & tricks that make working with the CLI a lot easier.


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