Table of Contents
- 8. Vue CLI
- 9. Slots
- 16. Transitions
- 17. HTTP: vue-resource
- 18. Routing
Vue.js 2.0 Basics. Create Vue.js object - This creates new Vue object that targets the id of the div tag. You can then data bind the keyword property. Title: Vue & Vuex & Quasar Cheat Sheet by przemekgrenda - Created Date: 1655Z.
1 Events
2 Styling
3 Conditionals
4 Looping
5 Components
6 Vue lifecycle
Vue ←watch→ Virtual DOM ←update→ DOM
new Vue()
7 Development workflow
8 Vue CLI
Different templates: simple
, webpack-simple
, webpack
, browserify
/ browserify-simple
8.1 Example: webpack-simple
9 Slots
Passing some content (i.e. DOM trees) from outside into a component?
Child component:
9.1 Multiple slots: <slot name='>
In child.vue
In parent.vue
Vue Js Cheat Sheet Github
An unnamed slot is the default slot!
9.2 Optional <slot>
: slots with defaults
10 Dynamic components: <component>
An old component is destroyed on change!Although:
Hooks into <keep-alive>
11 Forms
The .lazy
modifier: don't react on every little change, just on enter/blur:
Multiple bindings to the same name in data
make an array in data
automatically (useful for checkboxes, <input type='checkbox'></input>
– automatically switches the choice
12 Using v-model
with components
13 Directives: v-..
bind(el, binding, vnode)
– Once directive is attached;inserted(el, binding, vnode)
– Inserted in parent node;update(el, binding, vnode, oldVnode)
– once component is updated (without children);componentUpdated(el, binding, vnode, oldVnode)
– (with children);unbind(el, binding, vnode)
Arguments for a directive:
Registering directives locally:
Sensus ar5502. Multiple modifiers values: pass an object
14 Filters
15 Mixins
16 Transitions
<transition name='*'>
elements.CSS classes:
Vue Js Quickstart
when forward animation starts;*-enter-active
when forward animation ends;*-leave
when reverse animation starts;*-leave-active
when reverse animation ends;
triggers animations on load.
16.2 Manual leave-enter classes:
16.3 Dynamic transition name
16.4 Multiple elements transitions
16.5 Transition JS hooks
17 HTTP: vue-resource
17.1 Setup
17.2 Importing vue-resource
17.3 Usage: simple example
17.5 Setting custom resources
17.6 URL templating
18 Routing
18.1 Setting up
18.2 First route
Vue Cheat Sheet 3
18.3 Routing modes (hash vs history)
'Seamless' mode: the server always returns index.html
on any request