Python Regex Cheatsheet


  1. Python Regex Cheat Sheet
  2. Python Regex Cheatsheet Pdf
.Any single non-newline character
dAny digit[0-9]
DAny non-digit[^d]
sAny whitespace character[rntf]
SAny non-white space character[^s]
wAny word characterAlphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscores (_)
WAny non-word character[^w]
^Position at the start of the stringCaret sign anchor, ex.: ^123 matches 1235123
$Position at the end of the stringDollar sign anchor, matches an occurrence of character/character class/group at the end of a line.
[]Match only one out of several characters placed inside the square bracketsCharacter class
[^]Negated character class, match any character that is not in the square bracketsComplement
[-]Range of characters enclosed within the square bracketsEx.: [a-z], [0-9]
{x}Tool that matches exactly $$x$$ repetitions of character/character class/groupQuantifier, ex.: w{5}
{x,y}Tool that matches between $$[x,y]$$ repetitions of character/character class/groupQuantifier, The interval is inclusive!
*Matches 0 or more of character/character class/groupQuantifier
+Matches 1 or more of character/character class/groupQuantifier
bAsserts position at a word boundaryAnchor
()Capturing groupround-brackets, parentheses
(?:)Non-capturing groupGroup does need to capture its match.
&#124Match single items out of several possible items separated by pipe.Alternations
group_numberMatch same text as referenced by group_number of captured groupBackreference, also possible to capture group that might not be matched at all.
reg1(?=reg2)Asserts whether a match with reg1 is immediately followed by reg2 is possible.Positive lookahead only asserts whether match is possible or not, it does not return matches of reg2.
reg1(?!reg2)Asserts whether a match with reg1 is not immediately followed by reg2 is possible.Negative lookahead only asserts whether match is possible or not, it does not return matches of reg2.
How to use regex in python

Python Regex Cheat Sheet

Python regular expression cheatsheet and examples. Above visualization is a screenshot created using debuggex for the pattern r'bpar(en ro)?tb' From docs.python: re: A regular expression (or RE) specifies a set of strings that matches it; the functions. Typingmaster pro 7.1 0. Python Regex Cheatsheet. Regular Expression Basics. Any character except newline: a: The character a: ab: The string ab: a b: a or b: a.: 0 or more a's Escapes a.

Notes: Tinka tinka zara zara karaoke with lyrics.

Python Regex Cheatsheet Pdf

  • dd should be shortened to d{2}
  • ^dd(-?)dd(-?)dd(-?)dd$ vs. ^d{2}(-?)(d{2}1){2}d{2}$ - think about it!
  • Forward referencing only in Java. Ex.: ^(2tic|(tac))+$ (only tactactic, tac, tic not directly next to tac), but also ^tac(tactic|tac)+$ possible which is easier and more readable.