Hey, so I thought I would just create a post on how to create a cheap Thin Client like device which can be used to access Citrix remotely. The latest version of Citrix Workspace App ( previously known as receiver / ica client ) for Linux now contains HDX for Microsoft Teams but does require a couple of dependencies.
- TLXOS RPi is a variation of TLXOS for the Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4 & new 400 which supports Citrix HDX & VMware Horizon Blast Extreme decode up to 60fps @ 1080p resolution. RemoteFX 8.1 H.264 decode coming soon, although TLXOS supports the RPi 2, 3, 4 & new 400 Models, we recommend the new Dual Screen RPi400 or RPi4 for Thin Client usage.
- It is obviously tempting to try to use a Raspberry Pi as a thin client. Often, that means a Citrix client, that requires Citrix Receiver (a closed source program available from Citrix in binary form only). The problem Raspbian is very much a normal Debian system. Citrix Receiver usually works nicely on Debian, and Citrix provides ARM binaries.
- ThinLinX creates updates which we call Hotfixes that allow our customers to install the latest Citrix Receiver, VMware Horizon clients, RDP clients and additional features from time to time. Dual screen capability is available via TLXOS for the new Raspberry Pi 4 and RPi 400, Small Form Factor Devices and our x86 Re-Purpose PC & Laptop solution.
Prep the Pi
2.I install latest version(2014-12-24) of wheezy-raspbian to PI,dowload Citrix Reciver ARM DEB 13.0 and 13.1 from citrix.com,Testing the installation is unsuccessful。 3.I dowload Citrix Reciver 13.0(32bit and 64bit) and 13.1 32bit and 64bit) from citrix.com,Testing the installation is unsuccessful。.
I have tested this on both the Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 which both worked well. First, we need to do is head over to https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspberry-pi-os/ and download the desktop image.
Once downloaded, unzip and write to the MicroSD Card with your favourite tool, alternative see the instructions at https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/ for a guide on how to do it.
Next, we need to boot your new Raspberry Pi OS installation and run through the setup process. Ensure you install the latest updates and reboot as part of the wizzard!!
Once rebooted we will now need to install some bits to get the HDX, WebCam and SaaS working nicely with Citrix. Firstly open the terminal using the shortcut on the taskbar at the top of the screen.
Next, we need to use the package manager to install the required packages.
Citrix Receiver 4.6
Download Citrix
Unfortunately due to Citrix's licensing structure, you will not find it in the software centre or via apt. They also make it hard to link directly to packages so we will have to do download the packages manually
Go to https://www.citrix.com/en-gb/downloads/workspace-app/linux/workspace-app-for-linux-latest.html and look for 'Debian packages' under Available Downloads.
Under here select 'Web Packages Only'
And then locate the 'Citrix Workspace app for Linux Web Client (ARM HF)' and click Download file.
Optional - USB Support
If you want USB support then under 'USB Packages' download the ARM HF version as above.
Install Citrix Packages
Once downloaded you will need to open the terminal again.
Then you will need to change to your downloads directory and run the dpkg command
This will now have installed the Citrix client ( and USB support if specified ) to your PI.
Webcam & Mic
There is one last step required to enable WebCam and Microphone to be enabled in your Citrix session. Again from a terminal run
This will open the preference tools, select the 'Mic & Webcam' tab and select the option 'Use my microphone and webcam'
And there you go, you are now ready to use your Pi to access Citrix and use MS Teams with full HDX support :)
Citrix Receiver Raspberry Pi 4
- If HDX is not working then open a termin and run
Citrix Receiver Raspberry Pi 4 Download
this will check that you have all the dependencies installed and flag up any that are not.
- I also found that using my bluetooth headset ( UpRoar Wireless Headphones ) crash the citrix session. Use a USB headset/microphone worked ok.
- If you have issues with sound / speed then perform the usual checks
- Kick the kids off the wifi
- Try going hardwired instead of wifi
- Run a speed test
- Reboot your router
After thoughts
Great, that is good for the Pi but what about my Ubuntu Laptop/Desktop?
Well form the Citrix Debian Packages select x86_64 packages and follow the above.
You will need to install the following package versions on Ubuntu vs the Pi.