
My mom often accused me of not being able to learn from my mistakes. Years ago, I got burned by giving a date for a feature we were adding, and I promised myself I would never do that again. Then a couple of years later, we pre-announced a deadline for finishing work on our Ancestry integration, with mostly the same result. So, of course, I still haven’t learned my lesson, and once again tried to guess a release date in advance, this time for RootsMagic 8.


RootsMagic is a genealogy software program designed and written by RootsMagic, Inc, a United States software design and development company founded by Bruce Buzbee in 1987. Bruce originally wrote the program Family Origins. RootsMagic genealogy software can synchronize with Ancestry® to transfer people, events, notes, source citations, and photos between trees. Using RootsMagic, you can collaborate with others by inviting family members to access your family tree. The RootsMagic Explorer. The RootsMagic Explorer is the heart of RootsMagic' search system. The Explorer makes it easy to find and edit anyone in your file. Quickly search by surname or given names, genetic lines, or perform sophisticated searches easily. Even find women by their married names. Discussion, Issues, Tips and Hints; Discussions, issues, and tips for RootsMagic 7. 3426 topics; 18231 replies; uploading to replies; By mapleleaf; 18 Apr 2021; RootsMagic for Mac. Discussions, issues, and tips for using RootsMagic for Mac. 275 topics; 1798 replies; Rootsmagic Mac version 8; By Renee Zamora; 12 Apr 2021.

RootsMagic 8 is the biggest upgrade in our software’s history. I usually just say something like “it will be done when it is ready” and leave it at that, but we began telling folks that we hoped to have it out by the end of this year (2019). It seemed like a safe estimate, but like those other times this has bitten me, I underestimated the effects of outside influences on our development.

I underestimated the number of times we would have to stop work to fix breaking changes made to APIs that version 7 uses. I underestimated the number of times we would have to rewrite libraries we are using in RootsMagic 8. To be honest, I never thought we would have to actually rewrite commercial libraries from scratch because of their deficiencies, but we have actually had to do that multiple times. I also underestimated the amount of time tracking down bugs in other company’s libraries to help them fix issues that negatively affected performance in version 8.

So, where are we now? RootsMagic 8 won’t be released by the end of the year. And if you ask me for a new release date, I’m not going to say. But here’s what I am going to do…

Rootsmagic 7 Family Tree Genealogy Software

Several months ago, we started doing blog articles with screenshots. But writing them pulled us off of actual software development, and were less than satisfying to you as a user. We want to do a better job of keeping you up to date on where we are, so I have recorded a 30-minute video below to show you precisely what RootsMagic 8 looks and feels like. As development continues, we’ll try to release more videos (although probably not this long) to keep you in the loop.

We know many of you can’t wait to get your hands on RootsMagic 8, and we are excited to be working on it. We just want to make sure that when we release it, you can depend on it working right.

And if you’re adventurous, we are still looking for more beta testers of all backgrounds to help us make version 8 the best it can be.

I want to thank you personally for your patience and understanding. Hopefully, you can see from the video the extent of the improvements and work that we’re putting into this release. We’re really excited by the feedback that we’ve received so far and we hope that you’ll find it worth the wait.

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Rootsmagic Blog

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Rootsmagic 8

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